Thursday, February 25, 2016

Crazy Little Thing called...LIFE

If only there were more hours in a day. I don't know why no one has invented a way to clone people yet because I would be the first person to board that train. 

I am normally the last person to admit when I am overwhelmed and need help (just ask my boss). But things have just been crazy to say the least. I think the last time I gave a life update, I was teaching and just found out about my new job. That was 2 years ago. Yikes. But in a way it is a great thing because I am at a job I am madly in love with and couldn't be happier to be doing what I am doing. When you love what you do, it is never work!

God has a funny way of proving to you that he is in control but when you look back on it, it makes you laugh because you realize he was in control the entire time. I look back at how everything unfolded a little over 2 years ago and I can't stop laughing because he sure did have a funny way of showing me. But it makes me so happy that his plan was so much better than my own. 

Even now I look at how everything has happened recently. A lot has happened with friendships, family, and my life in general. Good and bad.

The Good
Who would have thought my little brother would be getting married this year? I still have a hard time imagining it. The dude who calls me "chives" and used to steal my toys is going to walking down the aisle to the girl of his dreams. I couldn't be more excited for them. Ansley is the one. I knew it almost instantly after we met. She loves my brother and makes him the happiest I have seen him in a long time. Little did you know Ansley, I have secretly been calling you my "sister-in-law" for just over a year. Took my brother long enough to get the picture and finally propose but it was well worth the wait. I can't wait for you to FINALLY be apart of our family...officially. 

Colby and Ansley in Seattle last Christmas

So be prepared for fun posts about the wedding. I went to hobby lobby last night with my mom and we were getting the wheels turning for the couples wedding shower and rehearsal dinner. I am so excited!

The Bad
I have been noticing myself drift away a little more than I would like. I have always been a confident person. I know exactly who I am and I pride myself on that. I am Haley. I love black, white and red. I am obsessed with chocolate, salted caramel, anything with garlic, FSU football, makeup, shopping, and Josh Groban. The only time I really get upset is when FSU loses a football game, my favorite didn't get the final rose of the night on The Bachelor, or I chip my nail polish. 

Recently I noticed that littlest things that used to never bother me were and it was messing with my mind. I am a constantly evolving person but I have always stayed the same on the inside. I may change the people that I hang out with or things that I do for fun but that doesn't mean I am not the same Haley that I have always been. I refuse to change myself for anyone. If you don't like who I am than you can see yourself out. Bye Felicia! I will never change personalities when I am with different people. If I do, just slap me. I will thank you later. 

I have to do better at connecting with myself again and get back to loving me like I used to. Do I have the perfect body? Heck no. Wish I could loose weight? Of course. Want to be in a relationship with a loving man and be as happy as C&A are? You have no idea. But that isn't going to happen until I let somethings go. Cue Let it Go from Frozen. I hate myself for letting myself let things get to me so much. I never used to do this and now it like that bad stuff is all I can think about. Day and night it eats me alive and that is not good. A girl can only take so much before she realizes something has to change. 

So here is what is I am going to do to make myself happy.  
  1. Have more Haley time aka shopping for makeup and face masks 
  2. Maybe learn to sew. Need to learn to sew cute costumes for my unborn children or future nieces and nephews.
  3. Blog 
  4. Meet new people 
  5. Make more friends
I vow to do all these things and not quit like Zayn Malik left One Direction. 

To getting my strut back!


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