Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Phone Apps of Champions

Ever since I got my iPhone, I realized I was dead until I got one of the babies in my hands. I didn't want one cause I am simply a person who doesn't what to go with the flow. I am an individual for crying out loud. I hate anything related to Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Vampires (of any kind), or Kartrashians (note the spelling). I didn't want to be a person who was lumped into the "iPhone groupies" demographic. It's so annoying to me.
But then I got my phone and my world forever changed.
Keep in mind, my phone isn't my identity. It's not permanently attached to my hand. I don't get separation anxiety when I am away from it like some people I know (hint hint). But I love it all at the same time. 
My phone has really kept me organized and made me not go spaz from forgetting to do something. 
So these are my iPhone apps I use almost daily. 

  • Social Media: Facebook, FB Pages, Twitter, Vine, and LinkedIn- Gotta keep myself in the loop. I need to know the hottest gossip and keep in touch with my friends from all over. I feel like we never moved away. It's awesome.
    Top Left- Facebook Pages
    Top Right-Twitter
    Bottom Left- LinkedIn
    Bottom Right- Vine

  • Photography: Instagram, PicStitch, Aviary, moreBeaute2-One of my favorites hobbies as of recently is photography. I have really been enjoying taking pictures and seeing things through the eye of the lens. I took my sister's headshots and took pictures for a local boutique in town of their beautiful wedding gowns. No matter where I am, I see the opportunity for a beautiful picture. I WILL whip out my phone and take a picture whenever, wherever. I don't care who is around or if they like it or not. You never know what could come of it.

    For those of you who have been living under a rock, Instagram is a social media site that allows for users to upload their photos/videos and apply a vintage effect to their images/videos. Everything that gets uploaded seems to have more meaning because of the effect. It's so cool. PicStitch is a way to composite pictures together so you can see multiple photos in one overall image. Aviary is a photo editing app that serves like a photo shop but on your phone. You can brighten, change color tone, add frames, change focus, crop, remove color, add text/stickers, whiten, remove red eye and blemish, and so much more. I use this app every time I take a picture. The original image I took could look like crap but when I play around with it in Aviary it somehow manages to turn out a little better. MoreBeaute2 is fairly new to my world. I was introduced to it my Melmphs on YouTube. Basically it is an app that allows for you to really edit all of those selfies and make them worthy to be in Vogue. It's a retouching application for pictures with people. You go and edit your images to make the faces in your images look flawless. What I love about it, is that there is a before and after button so you really get to see all the changes you have made.
    Top left-Instagram
    Top Right-Pic Stitch
    Bottom Left-Aviary
    Bottom Right-moreBeaute2

  • Shopping: RetailMeNot, ShopKicks- Who doesn't love to go shopping? I don't know about you but I am a shopping freak. In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, "Shopping is my cardio." So its no surprise that I have shopping apps on my phone.

    is a great source for all the great sales happening in the world of retail. Everytime I drive by or walk by a mall my phone instantly alerts me with the sound of a ringing cash register. It recognizes the mall and you can pull up all the deals both in the mall and online. It also works with some hotels, and restaurants. It will work with your current location to find the closest deals near you, look by categories, or the trending deals that everyone is talking about. ShopKick is basically a rewards program for you shopping habits. Yes, you heard that correctly. All you have to do is walk into your favorite store and check-in to get your points or "kicks." The app instantly logs it in and sooner or later all your purchases will be to your advantage. How so? Your kicks can add up to be a free drink at Starbucks or a gift card at Target. You can use them or save them up and get some really great rewards through the app.
    Left- RetailMeNot
    Right- ShopKick

  • Pinterest- Oh yes. Pinterest get's it's own moment of glory. Pinterest is the best thing to happen to the world wide web since Facebook. Pinterest is a social media site that allows for users to post their favorite ideas, products, and more to virtual pin boards that they create and links to a website. This allows for users to post pictures of products that are then linked to their website and through your personal social media pages like Facebook and twitter. You can create a board for almost everything to products, books, quotes, DIY, photography, weddings, food, crafts and more. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can do. I am on this thing more than Facebook some days. I just completely reorganized my boards and renamed some to keep my page fresh. This thing is completely addicting.

    My Pinterest page
*Most apps are available for iPhone and Android users

To visit all of my social media pages look here or click on a circle icon on the right.

What are your favorite apps on your smart phone? I am always looking to update my phone with new apps. 


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