Tuesday, September 3, 2013

August Favorites: Skincare Edition

Now that it is officially September...

Dear Mother Nature, As of September 22, it will be the first day of Autumn. Can you please make FL feel like fall and make me the happiest woman in the world?! Thanks. 

Let the countdown to Fall begin!!! Who is with me?

Since my makeup routine has been pretty standard this month, I decided to switch it up the month and give you my skincare favorites as well as my routine. I have it down to a degree and still need to work out a few kinks but hey my skin has never been better. 

I have had my fair share of skin issues especially when hormones took over my innocent body. (Someone remind me again why we have them again?) Now that I am in my 20's, I have noticed that my skin still goes on a roller coaster and I am OVER IT! 

So I decided to really pull the reigns and do something about it. Yes, I don't have as many breakouts as I used to when I was a teenager, but it still fluctuates. During the hot Summer months, I get extra oily and breakout more. Fall/Winter I tend to dry out a bit more than normal. You get the picture.

So when trying to figure out my plan of attack, I decided to stick with my go to drugstore products like I normally would; However, I also wanted to get products that would really keep my skin clean as to not hope for any more "junk" to appear on my face than normal. 

After trying many products theses are my favorite...

In the morning, I wash my face with Olay Pore Minimizing cleanser/scrub and my scrublet (From L'oreal Go 360). This smells good and really makes my face feel clean when I use the scrublet with the cleanser. 

At night, I leave it up to the good old Clean and Clear. Isn't this the stuff that everyone used when they were teenagers? I don't even care. It works. While the smell is annoying, it does it job. 
(Don't mind the Equate label. Just trying to save a buck or two). 
1. Foaming Facial Cleanser
2. Astringent
3. Moisturizer

Once a week, I put on a mask to scare my neighbors and relax. 
Once a week, I use a really nice scrub to exfoliate. 

Before I put on my makeup, I make sure my skin is really clean. I may be putting on my makeup at 7 am or 1 pm. No matter what time I put on my makeup, I want to make sure I get all the dirt and excess oil off my face so my makeup looks better and lasts longer. 

1. Any Astringent to prep skin for makeup. I like one that will remove dirt, and clean my skin. 
I put it all over face, behind ears, and down neck. 

2. Olay Oil Minimizing Toner- A toner that smells good! Woot Woot! 
I put it all over my face including my eyelids to absorb oil. It really works and I can tell when I forget to put it on. 

It took me a while to figure out but I really love how my skin looks. 

What are you go to skin care products? Do you have a holy grail skin product that you have to have? 

Let me know in the comments below what they are. 


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