Thursday, September 19, 2013

Word of the Day: Structure

Enough is enough.

I have officially had enough of this. Grab a pen and paper cause this is happening. 
Dear plus size clothing manufacturers,

I have never wanted to look like a blimp. All of your clothing on the market makes me look like one, I guess you think it will be a good look on me. NOT!
Every single piece of clothing I have seen shopping around in stores, is so big and baggy its ridiculous. There is enough fabric on that shirt I can cut in half and donate it. I don't want to see anymore overly baggy shirts with a band at the bottom of the shirt to make me look even bigger than I already am. 
Floral embroidered peasant topEmbellished paisley sweaterEmbroidered peasant peplum top
Where are their waists?!?!?!
Every shirt on page 1 of Lane Bryant's website has zero structure and is Baggy McBagShirts.

All the models on the website look swallowed in fabric. I DARE you to go through all the pages in the tops section if you don't believe me. So if all of the models look like blimps online, won't that mean the same thing for me when I go shopping. 

I want a shirt that has seams. I want shirts that don't require a belt to show off my waistline. 

I have watched enough episodes of What Not To Wear to know how to dress for my ever changing body type. 

It's not like I am asking for a lot. Am I? 

Give me a shirt with structure, and I am a happy girl. Word. 

I went to Target the other day just being sucked into the "you desperately need this vortex" as usual. While I was there I start through the clothing department as always, and was instantly turned off that there was flipping nothing. HOLY COW. Like do they realize lots of people of all sizes shop in Target? So why are you going to dedicate all this room for regular sizes and then give 2 racks for plus size that HAVE NO STRUCTURE. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?
As seen here...

What is it going to take?
No really, what is it going to take for us to get clothes great for all sizes plus included?

Share the fashion love. Girls of all sizes should like cute and trendy.
Let's do this.


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