Saturday, July 13, 2013

A Colorful Summer

Say hello to a world of color! 

A Colorful Summer

I have a closet full of black and fallish like colors. Dark or jewel tone is really what I look at when shopping. So on this bright and happy day in Florida, I broke out of my norm and tried to expand my new horizons. 

Try to expand your current wardrobe with colorful pieces. 

I am slowly but surely. 

Bring home items one and a time so it's not that overwhelming. Mix and match them with your standby jeans.

If the idea of neon shorts scares the living daylights out of you, look into the wonderful world of accessories. I am a jewelry freak. I am constantly changing up my go to outfit with a new necklace, earrings, purse, scarf, or shoes. My favorite accessory stores are Charming Charlie's (aka the greatest store on planet earth), or Francescas. Both stores are sell clothes but the main attraction is the jewelry and colorful accessories. 

While I am beyond ready for fall, I am excited to try to revamp the rest of my summer wardrobe. 


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